Karin Settles CompleteGrip™ Non-Slip Yoga Mat Review | "One Of My Favourite Yoga Mats"

Karin Settles CompleteGrip™ Non-Slip Yoga Mat Review | "One Of My Favourite Yoga Mats"

Karin Settles. Here is her yoga mat review for the Sustainable Eco-friendly CompleteGrip™ Non-Slip Jute 4mm Yoga Mat by Complete Unity Yoga. In this yoga mat review video Karin mentions "One of my favorite yoga mats that I’ve been using now for several months."

The yoga mat Karin is using is the 4mm Sustainable Eco-friendly CompleteGrip™ Non-Slip Jute Yoga Mat in the colour Eco Natural.
Buy Now - Christine's Yoga Mat Review  | Truly Honest Sustainable Yoga Mat Review "the best mat I've ever had"

What's the best sustainable yoga mat for Vinyasa Yoga and High-Intensity Yoga?


"Hey everyone, it’s Karin here. I wanted to check in with you and let you know about one of my favorite yoga mats that I’ve been using now for several months. It is from Complete Unity Yoga, a four-millimeter yoga mat and lightweight, easy to roll up. I just recently took it with me on a three-week trip to Brazil. One of the amazing features about it is the grip on it, so I can feel comfortable and confident during my yoga practice that I won’t slip while using it. It is also ethically made, so it’s made from natural rubber and jute and so I just feel good about using it. So yeah, go check it out for yourself and visit Complete Unity Yoga for more information about it. "


>>>>> BUY THE YOGA MAT KARIN IS USING HERE (suitable for all styles of yoga including Vinyasa Yoga and High-Intensity Yoga). 



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