5 Foods (you most probably already eat) to Increase Longevity

5 Foods (you most probably already eat) to Increase Longevity
Are you wondering whether living longer will mean being older for longer? Does living longer mean more time with chronic diseases and disabilities? Because that does not at all sound like a dream.
Here we will give you 5 simple steps to improve health and longevity. And best of all these five steps are FREE and you can BEGIN TODAY! Read on to find out what 5 FOODS you might already be eating that improve health and increase longevity.
So to create a long life, where we can actually live, move and enjoy, we need to increase our health span. Basically, we want to slow down our body’s ageing process, staying young for longer. Many people are already doing this and the results are astonishing. People in their 60s feel as alive and strong as when they were in their 30s.
Bryan Johnson is 45 and with the help of his longevity regime Blueprint is showing biomarkers of a 31 year old and is now ageing slower than the average 10 year old!
And we can follow along too. It’s not only for the few, these steps are for us all! Taking care of your body and mind is a responsibility we take, to serve ourselves, to be here for our kids and our kid's kids.
Taking care of our body and being aware of what we eat and how we move has a tremendous impact on our longevity and health span.
What would you like to live for? Start a list today and hang it up on your bathroom mirror! Keep adding to it whenever you come up with something new. Some might think it's crazy to want to do more and experience more, I say, when we run out of dreams or the joy of doing and being, that's when we need to get our act together and get a dream list brewing. Being alive for oneself is rarely enough to keep the heart beating, being alive for someone or something, that's when we get the passion and joy to wake up and get stuff done :)
Before you know it, you will have so much you want to do, see, experience and learn, that you have to increase your longevity to be able to tick it all off.
Take a look at these 5 steps you can take to create a stronger and healthier mind and body.
Below I’ll give you 5 foods to include in your diet (and guess what, I reckon most of us already eat these).
5 Steps To Create A Healthier Mind And Body
- Avoid Processed Food
- Make Quality Sleep A Priority
- Build And Maintain Muscle Mass
- Spend Time With People You Love (Community) & Create A Strong Life Purpose
- Become A Master Of Managing Your Stress (Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork)
Dr Mark Hyman mentions in his book (The Sunday Times Bestseller) Young Forever that "the single best thing to improve your health and extend your life is to eliminate sugar and flour from your diet". Don’t worry, there’s no need to change your whole life at once! Fine-tune a little, day by day and in no time you’ll be living the life you thought you could only dream of.
And to get you started, here are 5 foods that you can pick up next time in the supermarket that will help improve your health and increase longevity.
5 Foods To Increase Longevity
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Olive Oil (Ideally cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.)
- Nuts And Seeds
- Berries
- Green Tea
And hey, Just before I leave you, I want to throw this out too YOGA AND MEDITATION are both great ways to manage stress and create purpose in your life.
Loved 5 Foods (you most probably already eat) to Increase Longevity?
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