25 Easy Self-Care Day Ideas

25 Easy Self-Care Day Ideas
In this article we share what self-care is, why self-care is so important now more than ever and 25 Easy Self-Care Day Ideas that you can simply add to your self-care routines and weekly rituals.
Why is self-care so important?
Think about the safety speech you hear every time you’re travelling by aeroplane. If you’re travelling with kids the flight attendant tells you to secure their oxygen mask first? No, they say to ensure you secure your mask first before helping others. Why is that?
Because if you help others without ensuring your safety first, you might pass out and possibly even be the opposite of helpful.
This is the same with everyday life. When you integrate self-care and self-care days into your daily life mentally, emotionally and physically you are more likely to perform better at work, achieve your goals, enjoy life more and have more to give to the people you love.
What is self-care?
Essentially it is doing things for yourself that make you feel good and looking after your wellbeing. These can be small like nourishing your body with healthy food, going for a walk or sitting down with a good book or something larger like going on a yoga retreat, meditation retreat or going on holiday.
The most important thing is you make time for self-care and schedule it. What gets scheduled is far more likely to get completed. This could be a reminder on your phone, a time block in your calendar or even a dedicated time of day, day of the week or day of the month. It is challenging to give from an empty cup but if your cup is nice and full its easy to give. Below you will find 25 easy self-care ideas to help fill up your cup.
25 Easy Self-Care Day Ideas:
1) Yoga attend, join or stream a yoga class. Yin yoga, restorative yoga & breathing focused yoga classes are great options for a self-care day as they are both very relaxing and rejuvenating.
2) Meditation enjoy time meditating and experiencing the benefits of meditation with your favourite meditation app or YouTube meditation video. Try a 9 minute gratitude meditation here.
3) Yoga Nidra try a yoga nidra audio or YouTube. Yoga Nidra is a very relaxing rejuvenating laying down meditation.
4) Self Oil Massage in Ayurveda this is called Abhyanga. We love to use almond oil or unroasted sesame oil and then take a hot shower or bath.
5) Soak In A Long Hot Bath with candles, calm music, relaxing essential oils e.g lavender and a good book.
6) Digital Day Off turn your phone off for the day (yes phone off not just on do not disturb). To make your digital day off self-care day even more impactful also turn off your computer, tv etc.
7) Make A Delicious Nutritious Exciting High Energy Meal Plan For The Week a small amount of planning can go a long way when it comes to health and eating. Pick your favourite cookbooks each week and select the best recipes.
8) Walk In Nature simple free and incredibly rejuvenating. Enjoy the benefits of walking daily. Meet with a friend that you haven't seen for some time or share the walk with your loved ones.
9) Massage book yourself in for a massage at your local spa. One of our favourites is Thai Massage.
10) Eat Your Favourite Delicious Healthy Foods we love to make raw cakes, big salads and recipes that we don't always have time for.
11) Watch A Feel-Good Movie get cosy with blankets and watch a good movie.
12) Read A Good Book relax on the sofa with a good book a simple free calming self-care day activity.
13) Sun Bathe top up on nourishing sun rays and vitamin D by relaxing in the sun in your garden or on the beach.
14) Forest Bathing the Japanese practice of forest bathing. Spending time in nature being calm and quiet witnessing the trees.
15) Spa Day treat yourself to a spa day at home or book yourself in at your local spa or hotel.
16) Floatation Therapy an amazing unique calming experience. This is one of our personal favourites when it comes to self-care day activities.
17) Reiki a Japanese type of energy healing. Book yourself in with your local Reiki practitioner. Some spas will offer this on their treatment menu.
18) Sauna in Scandinavia especially in Finland going to the sauna is a daily activity. In most Finish homes you will find a Sauna in the bathroom. There are many benefits connected with regularly going for a sauna.
19) Ice Bath/Winter Bathing another Scandinavian favourite is ice bathing/winter bathing. This is great in combination with taking a sauna.
20) Cryotherapy a form of cold therapy using liquid nitrogen and special cryotherapy machines.
21) Life Coaching book yourself for some sessions with a life coach.
22) Pranayama/Breathwork calm your mind and rejuvenate with pranayama (controlled breathing).
23) The Gym working out is likely one of the most self-care routines. Of course, if you are in the gym most days likely on your dedicated self-care day you would prefer to do something else.
24) Review Your Success it is so easy to let the days weeks and months fly by without taking time to appreciate where you were and where you are today and all that you've accomplished.
25) Plan Your Next Holiday get excited and enjoy planning your next dream vacation.
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Happy Self Care Day! Have an amazing day 🧡 We would love to hear your self-care tips and ideas.
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