Meet Will

centre us into a deep acceptance of the flow of life. He empowers his clients to build
strength, willpower and stability. With his knowledge and interest in pranayama (guiding the
breath) he leads a practice that will nourish and amaze you.
Will’s devotion and dedication to the Yoga practice vibrates through his voice. His presence
in every moment creates feelings of openness, care and comfort. One year of intense
sadhana with his yoga master in India has helped him to reach high levels of joy, clarity,
knowledge and wisdom. This we can now all receive and take part in with his return to
He is a passionate trekker, skier, climber and creative cook with an eye for natural beauty, a
taste for purity. He holds the secret to perfect simplicity. There is a special energy around
him that makes all feel calm, worthy and whole.
“Breath is the key. Breath is the most powerful healing tool we have available to us. Through
yoga we can learn to harness its power.
Deep happy breath activates the parasympathetic nervous system bringing a sense of ease
and clarity. Yoga will unite you with that breath.”
-Will Fisher-
– Akhanda Yoga Life Coaching 100-hour RYSA 10-day intensive training on yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, life coaching, trauma, psychology and neuroscience. A Yoga Life Coach supports their clients with their integration of mind, body and spirit while unlocking their full potential for peace, harmony and inner freedom.
– Akhanda Yoga teacher training 200 hour RYS
Studying the science of Yoga and Ayurveda. Practising asana, pranayama and Kriya techniques. Developing an understanding of anatomy as well as diving into the vast yoga philosophy.
– Akhanda Yoga teacher training 300 hour RYS
Learning the art of sequencing, language use, creating a transformational space, and designing different class styles using the holistic Akhanda approach. (Intermediate, advanced, restorative, prenatal, Hatha raj, classical kundalini)
– Five Element course, 42.5 RYS
Studying the elements and their relation to our physical body
– Five Kosha Course, 42.5 RYS
Gaining an understanding and experience of the body, mind and space
– Akhanda Yoga Festival/Conference, 42.5 RYS
Studying and learning with Akhanda Yoga teachers from around the world
– Yoga for trauma and stress
With Ahimsa (Helen Cushing) at the Satyananda Yoga Centre London
– Meditation and its practice
Sadhana Mandir (Swami Rama) India
Meditate with Will, FREE guided meditation downloads here!