Top 10 Free Online Yoga Resources For Yoga Teachers And Yoga Practitioners

Top 10 Free Online Yoga Resources For Yoga Teachers And Yoga Practitioners
1. J- Brown Yoga Talks - J Brown
J Brown is an international yoga teacher with a passion for life. He focuses on opening conversations relating to important topics in the yoga world through the medium of podcast. He is a fantastic interviewer and has broadcasted over 100 podcasts with yoga teachers from all walks of life and from around the world.
Personal Favourite: Judith Hanson Lasater - “Restorative Yoga Queen”
2. Yoga Talk Show - Lucas Rockwood
Lucas Rockwood is a yoga teacher, health enthusiast and entrepreneur. Through the medium of his podcast, he connects you with professionals. authors, scientists, therapists, nutritionists, athletes and philosophers. Each podcast focuses on a specific topic with a dedicated knowledgeable interviewee. Every Yoga Podcast finishes with a selection of lifestyle and nutrition tips relating to questions asked previously by Yoga Talks Podcast listeners.
Personal Favourite: Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals
3. Chitheads - Jacob Kyle
Jacob Kyle is a yoga philosophy enthusiast with an eye opening podcast that delves deeply into the questions of life and our existence in this world. Through the medium of podcast he interviews and opens conversation with international scholars. This is an exciting podcast and will be sure to give you many great insights into the deeper philosophies and wisdom of yoga.
Personal Favourite: Hatha Yoga, Philosophy and Khecarividyā
4. - Traditional Yoga and Meditation of the Himalayan Masters
A yoga resource and yoga article website/blog by Swami Ramas Himalayan Tradition. Here you can be sure to find many great articles about esoteric philosophy, ideas, practices, mantras and stories relating to yoga and meditation. This is our go-to place when it comes to understanding some of the more esoteric practices and ideas behind yoga philosophies and practices.
Personal Favourite: Yoga Sutras 1.5-1.11: Un-Colouring Your Thoughts
5. Free Guided Gratitude Meditation
Will Fisher (international yoga teacher & co-founder of Complete Unity Yoga) guides you through a simple and powerful technique, focusing on gratitude as a key to be your best. Strengthen relationships with loved ones, friends, and family, with this guided meditation.
Listened to over 11,000 times worldwide, this meditation is a fantastic way to start or finish your day.
5 Star Reviews:
"Beautiful and thoughtful meditation - thank you. I love the birds in the background, so calming and natural"
"This is one of my favourite go-to meditations when I need an injection of joy and gratitude"
Download for offline listening here.
6. The Daily Bhanda - Ray Long
Anatomy heaven, a place to delve into and unpack information about yoga anatomy. Ray is an orthopaedic surgeon that has been practising and studying yoga for over 20 years. He has integrated his 2 passions by offering comprehensive anatomical yoga articles free on his website/yoga blog.
Personal Favourite: Sankalpa, Visualization and Yoga: The Diaphragm-Psoas Connection
7. Insight Timer - Meditation App
An awesome meditation app that doubles up as a social connection tool connecting you with like-minded people in your community that are also meditating using the Insight Timer App. Thousands of free meditations with yoga and meditation teachers from all over the world. An easy user-friendly app that will be sure to help you integrate smiles and meditation into your daily life.
Check out Wills meditation on there :D
Personal Favourite: Nothing Here But You - Mooji
8. Vipassana Meditation - Worldwide 10-day Meditation Retreats (By Donation)
Do you want a true digital detox? Do you want to establish a daily meditation practice? Do you want to learn a powerful life enriching meditation technique? Do you want to delve deeper into the mind-body complex?
Well then yes you should definitely do a 10-day Vipassana Meditation Retreat. These transformative 10-day retreats are held worldwide in over 160 centres and are run by donation. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Check out Malene's recent blog post on Vipassana Meditation here!
Personal Favourite: Dhamma Sobhana Sweden
9. Yoga International - Articles
An amazing rich resource of articles on yoga, meditation, anatomy and Ayurveda. Lots of inspiring stuff. They limit you to be able to view only 4 articles per month, but hey 4 articles are better than no articles :D
10. 1 Giant Mind Podcast - Jonni Pollard
Jonni Pollard empowers his listeners with lifestyle tips through the medium of podcast. He unpacks esoteric theories and practices and shares them simply in a way that all can benefit from. Short interesting podcasts that can help you to understand life.
Personal favourite: The Roots Of Meditation
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